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The joy of God's faithfulness in today's world

T eventMonday, 22 July 2024

"God will remain faithful because He cannot deny His own self" 2 Tim 2:13

This year the Province of Rwanda-Chad had the great joy of celebrating the fidelity of God in the lives of our two sisters: Sister Marie Jeanne who celebrated her Jubilee of 25 years of religious life on October 30, 2021 in Atrone 2 in Chad and Sister Césarie Marie who has just celebrated her Jubilee of 50 years of religious life on November 4, 2021 in Kabuga in Rwanda.

The celebration of these Jubilees was a moment of thanksgiving for the Yes of our sisters to the call of God and for the fidelity of God in their lives.  God's fidelity which does not look at our misery but takes this misery to change it into grace as the words of the Gospel chosen by Sister Marie Jeanne say: "It is not you who have chosen me, but I have chosen you... " Jn 15:16. It was also a moment to remember the blessings of God from the childhood of our sisters until today. It was a time to remember the grace of God which has allowed them to respond to his love by their definitive Yes to his will, as indicated by the words chosen by Sister Césarie Marie: "Yes Father, into your hands my life".

This celebration was lived in three important moments. Firstly, in the prayer vigil with the sisters in our chapels. The vigil was done in the manner of the Assumption with the singing of psalms, hymns and a moment of sharing where our Jubilee sisters gave thanks to God for his faithfulness.  We continue to give thanks to God for the gift of our sisters to the Congregation, for their testimony of life given to God for the Kingdom and for their perseverance in the difficult moments of the life of the province and of the history of our peoples.

The second moment was the mass with the close aquaintances of the community, the family members of our sisters and our friends in the local Church. At Atrone 2, in his homily, the celebrant, Father Yves of the Society of Jesus, took the opportunity to explain what the vocation to religious life is, and the three vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. He showed how closely they are linked and how they help consecrated persons to live according to the will of God and to respond faithfully to their specific vocation. In Kabuga the main celebrant was Father François of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallotin Fathers). His homily had love as its main theme, referring to the Gospel of St John 15:7-14. He explained that it was God's love that inspired Sister Caesaria to love God, to respond to His call and to follow Him. He invited all of us and especially Sister Caesaria to remain in this love until the end of her life. After the homily our sisters renewed their vows in front of the assembly in the hands of the Superior Sisters representing the Superior General.

The third moment was the sharing of a fraternal meal. After Mass we gathered with our friends, collaborators and family members to share a meal which was never without speeches, dances, poems and the presentation of gifts.  It was a moment of expression of joy, of gratitude for the fruits that our sisters have given in the Church, in the Congregation and in the world, a truly convivial moment.

The celebrations ended in the evening; we remain in the joy and love of God and we continue to marvel at the witness of the Fidelity of God who accompanied our sisters Marie Jeanne and Sister Césarie Marie and who accompanies each one of us in our daily lives.


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