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The Pope visits the Democratic Republic of Congo!

T eventMonday, 22 July 2024

God visited his Congolese people through his humble servant, His Holiness Pope Francis, on 31 January 2023 in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. All the sisters of the Region, especially those in Kinshasa, experienced this event with joy.

Everything was ready in July 2022 and three weeks before his arrival we learned that his trip had been postponed.  Despite the postponement of the papal visit, the Congolese people who are groaning in their multiple crises and other forms of insecurity rushed with joy to welcome His Holiness with songs, dances and cries of joy.

On his arrival, he held a meeting with the President of the Republic, then with the bishops and with the delegation of victims of violence who are in Kinshasa.

The Pope celebrated mass in the Zairian rite on 1 February with more than two million faithful in Ndolo, north of Kinshasa, where he comforted everyone with some important words: forgiveness, community, prayer, service, honesty and mission for a lasting peace. The Pope came to deliver a message of reconciliation, consolation and hope. He called on the Congolese people to take responsibility for fighting against the temptations of tribalism or the exploitation of children.

On 2 February, His Holiness had a real moment of communion with a huge crowd of over 65,000 young people and catechists, where he reminded them that they are all the future of tomorrow and that they must say no to corruption for a better Congo.

Pope Francis to the consecrated: for an authentic living of our consecration, there are 3 challenges to face: spiritual mediocrity to overcome, overcoming the temptation of worldly comfort, overcoming the temptation of superficiality. These 3 challenges must be faced.  This requires witness. For words and intentions are not enough, above all it is life that speaks. Therefore, be witnesses of brotherhood and peace. Never be at war. We must know how to bend. To bend is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. In the end, let us be gifts of the Lord's consolation.

We are deeply touched by the beautiful, rich and challenging words of the Holy Father to every Congolese. We hope that, with divine grace, we will remain a trusting and hopeful people despite the suffering, as our cardinal said to the Holy Father.

We are very happy because everything went well. There was no rain, nor any major damage. For this we thank God. The Holy Father continued his journey to visit Sudan on 03/02 at 9am.