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The visit of the Province of Rwanda-Chad

T eventWednesday, 12 February 2025

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Septembre 27, Kabuye

The evening of September 15, 2022 was rich in form and content following the arrival of our four Sister Councillors in Kabuye for the visit to two of our two communities, namely the community of St. Marie Eugenie and the community of St. Catherine of Siena. The sisters share their joys with us:

The community of St. Marie Eugenie which is the community of the older sisters received Sister Sandra and Sister Martha Marie: For us, this visit was an experience and a time of shared joy, of communion between sisters and a moment of rediscovering our mission within the Church, the Congregation and vis-à-vis our world. We rediscovered the beauty of our stage as senior sisters, our participation in the growth and mission of our Congregation, our part in the formation of the novices who come for a stage and the aspirants who have a time of experience with us.

The community of Saint Catherine of Siena received Sister Irene Cécile and Sister Isabelle: For us, the visit was a very strong moment of exchange on different themes which confirmed us in our identity and our mission. We were invited to make communities homes and to be creative while aiming at a transformative education in the accomplishment of this mission which is proper to us. In few words, the visit was very enriching and marked by fraternity and simplicity. We thank God for His presence among us and we entrust to Him the continuation of our sisters' visit. After the visit to the two communities of Kabuye our sisters are already going to visit Gikondo and Kabuga.


Septembre 15

Two days ago, the Province of Rwanda-Chad welcomed three of our Councillors, namely Sister Isabelle Roux, Sister Irene Cécile and Sister Sandra. Sister Marthe Marie, already in Rwanda, was waiting for them. To better enjoy the grace of this extraordinary time, we want to live this visit in the contemplation of Mary in her visit to Elizabeth. The story of the visitation tells us a story from everyday life: the house, the walk, the meeting, the greeting, the joy, the praise of the Lord, the service and many other surprises. But this story also relates something extraordinary like the beatitude of Mary, God who immerses himself in our history.

It was in the simplicity of everyday life, of communion between sisters, that on the evening of 13 September we welcomed our sisters councillors to our home, after their long journey. It was a moment of great greetings, of shared joy, of praise to the Lord before they set out to serve us. But so far, the most important thing has not been said: this is the time to contemplate God at work in our home and to open ourselves to his action, a time of grace, a new beginning, the start of a future that is broad, beautiful and limitless. It is also a time for us to sing the Magnificat with Mary, because in the person of our sisters, we contemplate God's passage in our midst "our soul exalts the Lord".

On their arrival, the counsellors were received at Gikondo, the provincial house, before making contact with other communities in our province. We are at the beginning of a marvellous visitation that we will experience until 21 October. May God sustain and bring to fruition what he has begun in our community.