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Two musicals at the Assumption College - Bondy

T eventWednesday, 12 February 2025

This year two classes of 3e participate in a musical comedy project organized by their teachers of PE, music education, French and English.

As part of this EPI (Interdisciplinary Practical Teaching), the two classes build two projects that they will present at the oral examination.

The students of 3eC create their own musical whose songs are worked with Mr. Daskalothanasis in music education, the choreographies created in groups in PE, the scenario is in French and the dialogues are worked on in English class.

The students of 3eA work mainly on the musical "Singin' in the Rain" which they will draw inspiration from to build their representation.

As part of these two projects, the classes met a professional actor who shared his passion and answered their questions. They also attended the Philharmonie's guided exhibition "Musicals, the joie de vivre of cinema" in November and January. In December, they saw "New, the improvised musical" at the Grand Point Virgule theater. In January, they were able to see the original version of "Singin' in the Rain" at the André Malraux cinema in Bondy. Finally, they will participate in two tap dancing workshops with a professional dancer in May.

AS Moure


  • Flavie Francke, Fiona Da Graca and Rim El Houari (3C) talk about their project:

"We are going to present you with a project that is particularly close to our hearts. For our 3rd year, we were asked to carry out an EPI (Interdisciplinary Practical Teaching), with the theme of culture and artistic creation. From this we decided to create a musical thanks to the creativity and originality of each student in our class. The final production took place on June 6 at the Bondy Auditorium in real show conditions.

To do this we worked in four disciplines. In English, we worked on the procedure for developing our musical, on excerpts from already existing musicals, we wrote the dialogues and we addressed the cultural aspect. In French and English classes we wrote the script, the staging and the scenario. In E.P.S we created our own choreographies. It is the discipline that demanded the most qualities to acquire: for example group spirit, organization, teamwork .. In music education, we learned the different songs in groups of 4 to 6 students, so that on the day we had a choir.

These disciplines are essential for the creation of a musical since the necessary ingredients are singing, dancing, theater and cinema and usually musicals are in English.

For this project we had to work regularly since every week a few hours were devoted to our EPI.

It is true that at the beginning, we had difficulty finding the motivation since this is an area that we did not know or at least knew very little about. We all had preconceived ideas on the subject because it is a bit old. Nevertheless, thanks to the outings and meetings we had  (exhibition at the Philharmonie, Westside Story and Singin' in the Rain at the cinema, "New, the musical" at the theater, meeting with an actor and tap dancing workshops), we managed to project ourselves and immerse ourselves in this project.

In addition, it was OUR achievement: each student gave their ideas, everyone made sure that this musical exists and comes to life. This allowed us to obtain a final result that resembled us. We worked hard and as the year went on we were able to invest more and more.

In conclusion, a few days after our show, we regret nothing. We were all proud of our work, to present our achievement to our parents. Our class came out with heads full of memories. It is a project that we will certainly not have the opportunity to replicate. We draw a very positive balance sheet and this whole process will have opened us to a new culture and forced us to surpass ourselves since generally we were not very comfortable speaking especially in front of an audience, and in English! It was not only the creation of a musical but also discovering a new world unknown or almost. We have enriched ourselves in knowledge, but also humanly and have learned to surpass ourselves.

Flavie Francke, Fiona Da Graca and Rim El Houari 3C


  • The musical "Singin' in the Rain" revisited by the 3A

We worked this year on a beautiful project related to the musical "Singin' in The Rain" which had the theme: Culture and artistic creations. The main objective of this EPI was to discover the world of musicals and more particularly that of "Singin' In the Rain" in order to make it our own and create our own choreographies. Our final production was the performance of the musical at the Bondy Auditorium on June 6.

To carry out this project we worked in three disciplines. In English, we studied the cultural aspect of a musical, we started by studying its characteristics and then we approached the notion of "American dream". We also drew a parallel with the film "La La Land" watched in class: commonalities and differences. We also looked at the staging by imagining the sequences of narrations and dialogues.  In E.P.S, we worked on the technical aspect by creating our own choreographies. We also had the chance to participate in two tap workshops with a professional dancer who taught us the tap choreographies of the famous song "Singin' in The Rain". In music, we studied songs and we learned them and in English we analyzed them to understand them and learn to say them.

To complete this project, we also made many outings and meetings. Last October, we had the opportunity to meet an actor who has played in famous musicals, who devoted an hour to us to talk to us about his profession. In December, we went to the Théâtre du Grand Point Virgule in Paris to attend a performance of "New the Musical" (improvised musical). We also went in January to an exhibition at the Philharmonie de Paris called "Musicals, the joie de vivre of cinema". And shortly after, we watched "Singin'in The Rain" at the André Malraux cinema in Bondy and then in May, we saw "West Side Story".

It is true that at the beginning we had trouble integrating into the project because we knew almost nothing about musicals. We had doubts and we did not know how we were going to proceed. But gradually we developed a taste for the project and we worked more and more to get there. Many weeks had been devoted to this EPI. This project really created real mutual help between us since we worked in singing groups to achieve this. Everyone gave of themselves and the performance in the Auditorium was the culmination of everyone's work.

To conclude after the performance of our musical, we leave with our eyes full of stars and memories. We learned a lot about the world of musicals.  We are proud of our representation and what we have achieved knowing that we would surely not have the opportunity to replicate it. This project was a way for us to open up and let our creativity guide us. We will continue on this path and we invite you to do so.

Emmanuel APPAVOU, 3A