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Vocational meeting, Ecuador-Mexico Province

V eventSaturday, 27 July 2024

After many years we had last weekend, June 10th and 11th, a vocational meeting in the community of Puebla in our Province Ecuador-Mexico, accompanied by Brigitte ra, Jose ra and Carmen ra.  Eight young people who are searching for God's will in their lives attended the meeting.  6 young people from Puebla and 2 from León- Guanajuato.  The group integrated quickly and the sharing was profound.  With the themes of What is vocation? Jesus and The Kingdom and the Charism of the Assumption, the young women deepened their questions and their certainties.  The meeting with the community of sisters helped them to get to know us better and to express some of their concerns. 

The atmosphere of trust, closeness and great joy were the atmosphere of this day and a half.  The shared moments of liturgy, adoration and personal silence were also favourable spaces to open the heart. All expressed their gratitude for knowing the authenticity of our life, discovering simplicity and freedom. 

With joy we saw once again that God is the God of promises, who calls tirelessly in every age, and who writes his story of salvation in our fragile lives when we open the door to him.