
eventWednesday, 29 September 2021

Vocation ministry in the Central African Region

Youth and vocation ministry in our region is everyone’s business! We have created the Youth and Vocation Ministry Commission, appointing two sisters to be in charge. Moreover, each sister in the region has been invited and made aware of her...

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eventMonday, 27 September 2021

Towards an ever wider “we”

MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 107th WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 2021 [26 September 2021] TOWARDS AN EVER WIDER “WE” Dear Brothers and Sisters , In the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti , I expressed a concern and a hope that remain...

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eventWednesday, 22 September 2021


Sister Rekha has written the Paper - Biblical Trends in Mission for our Changing Times [it will be presented on 12th October; from 3 to 3.45 pm Paris time]. Inaugural address will be by Cardinal Tagle. You can find the present schedule of the...

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eventTuesday, 21 September 2021
International Day

International Day of Peace - 21 September

2021 Theme: Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of...

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