
eventSunday, 13 June 2021

Echoes from the Archives nº6

Transformation and relationships... here are two words that could qualify the work done at the Archives over the last few months through the continued momentum of what had been started. Implementation of the network “Back to sources” The link with...

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eventFriday, 11 June 2021

25 years at the service of solidarity (2nd part)

Following the presentation made in #Assumpta no. 2 of the origin, the legal dimension and the mission of Assumption Solidarity and the General Office of Solidarity for Development (BGSD), here is a brief presentation of the diversity and...

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eventMonday, 07 June 2021

Immigration summit laments ’empty’ Central American towns

John Lavenburg National Correspondent Jun 5, 2021 Bishops from the U.S., Central America and Mexico face the camera at the chapel of Mundelein Seminary outside of Chicago June 2, 2021, to bless a Salvadoran woman via Zoom who shared her story of...

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eventSunday, 06 June 2021
Sisters General Community

Echoes of the General Council’s Visit to the Province of France

Monday was the 11th day of the visit of our Province by the General Council, and already many hearts were like that of Mary meeting Elizabeth, filled with gratitude. On May 20, Rekha and her Council began by meeting with the teams who work in the...

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