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30th General Chapter of the Religious of the Assumption

3 eventSunday, 30 June 2024
Newsletter 4 - In the light of the Spirit that moves and inspires us

See photos

The opening ceremony followed by the call of each of the Chapter members and delegates, and the opening message of Sister Rekha have opened the 30th General Chapter of the Religious of the Assumption.

After a brief pause, the work on the general process of the chapter continued with the presentation of Sister Marian Murcia, from the Congregation of the Holy Family of Bordeaux, who will facilitate the dynamics of presentations, work and discernment during the Chapter.

In the afternoon, while the lay people visited the Assumption Museum accompanied by our sister Veronique, archivist of the Congregation, the sisters elected the members of the steering committee and the coordinator of the Chapter.

The first day was concluded with a beautiful Eucharist in which the sisters from the nearby communities, Assumption friends and different members belonging to the congregations of the Assumption family participated. All participants, together with the chapter community, were invited to a simple fraternal “apéritif’.

The first day, full of emotions, has come to an end. After dinner, we were all able to enjoy a well-deserved rest with in order to renew our strength, as we will have to live a month of intense work.

The more than two hundred connections during the live, and the subsequent visualizations of the opening liturgy and the Eucharist, have made us feel the closeness and prayer of communities and friends around the world. Those who want to watch these two events know that they are on our YouTube channel.


Thanks to the request that has come to us from our provinces in Africa, we are going to try to propose the next live celebration simultaneously on YouTube and Facebook-Live. The links for YouTube remain the same, the Facebook platform reminds you of the event.

We remain united in prayer for the chapter.


Newsletter 3 - Everything is ready

See photos

While the most emblematic streets and buildings of Paris are being transformed into a huge Olympic complex, the Community of Auteuil and the General Community, in collaboration with the staff of the house at 17 Rue de l'Assomption, are also rearranging the house to host the General Chapter 2024.

The entrance hall of our Motherhouse has a new face with a new world map decorated with photos of the different Provinces and of the Region. The life and mission of the Provinces and of the Region are also enhanced by photos of the Sisters and of our Communities on a television screen. The Holy Spirit who inspired the charism of the Assumption, gift of God in the Church for the extension of His Kingdom in the world, presides over the room. During these days of the Chapter, the logo will serve as a decoration for a hall that has been embellished with different colors.

With the arrival of the Sisters from the various Provinces and from the Region, the atmosphere is also enriched by the rhythms and melodies of the internationality of the Assumption.

The Diaconia Community is increasing in number this week with the arrival of Sisters who will be in charge of the administration, the preparation of the liturgy, the translation team, the secretariat and the internal-external communication services during these days of meeting. In our dedication to each of our services, we want to live and bring about the Culture of Care to which the motto of the Chapter calls and motivates us. 

After supper, we checked that the translation material in the Chapter Hall, which was arranged in a synodal manner, was functioning properly. This verification that the translation material was working properly was used as an opportunity to give practical instructions.

The last day of preparation has been a long one. We thank God that all the Sisters and laity who will participate as delegates and members by right in the General Chapter have been able to come from their countries, some of which are very far away.

Everything is ready for the opening of the 30th General Chapter of the Religious of the Assumption which will be broadcast live tomorrow, June 29, 2024 on YouTube at 9.00 a.m., Paris time.

Newsletter 1 and 2

As the Olympic torch approaches Paris, another flame has been lit in the heart of the French capital, that of the Holy Spirit who is accompanying and encouraging the preparatory work for the 30th General Chapter that will begin on June 29, 2024.

As we read in number 102 of our Rule of Life, “The General Chapter is presided over by the Superior General. In the course of this assembly, attention to the voice of the Lord and the search for his will for the Congregation are intensified. This should allow the Spirit to operate more freely.”

The Synod that is being experienced in the Church (2021-2024) has inspired the greatest participation of Sisters and lay in the preparatory work for this Chapter. To the already established collaboration in the preparation and synthesis of the contents of the documents requested from each Province/Region, the proposal of a personal survey has been added, and the reading of and reflection on the different reports prepared by the General Community, the other Provinces/Regions and by the Commissions-Secretariats-Mission services. In all of them, we have been invited to highlight the concrete calls that the Holy Spirit raises in the hearts of each member, community and group that make up the Assumption.

It has been a beautiful experience that will continue during this Chapter, which has as its motto: “Moved by the SPIRIT, in dialogue with our realities, we discern new Synodal Pathways for our times. METANOIA – PROPHETIC MISSION – CULTURE OF CARING”. We want to make this desire of Mother Marie Eugenie a reality in the lives of each member of the Assumption: “My gaze is fixed on Jesus Christ and the extension of His Kingdom.”

As we read in the Rule of Life, the Chapter is made up of “the Superior General, the General

Councillors, the General Treasurer, the Secretary General, the Provincial Superiors, the preceding Superior General – for the first Chapter following that in which she gave up her office – and the delegates whose number must at least equal that of the members by right.” A lay delegate from each Province/Region will also participate. For this reason, we can say that “The whole Congregation is represented at the General Chapter in order to renew its efforts to be faithful and to grow in unity, for the greater glory of God. It takes decisions and establishes directives for the Congregation”; in addition, “it elects the Superior General and her Council”.

We invite you keep an eye on our social networks and on this page where we will publish the chronicle of the Chapter.

The General Chapter is approaching and our desire is to broadcast the most relevant celebrations live. We will send you the links so you can connect:

United in prayer for the fruits of the 2024 General Chapter