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CGP - Paris 2020

C eventMonday, 10 March 2025


We have come to the end of our Plenary General Council. As we asked in our prayer at the opening liturgy, God has granted us eyes to see the best and ears to listen attentively and hearts to forgive and trust one another. As daughters of Saint Marie Eugenie, we want our Charism to come alive as “a source of healing and integration in a wounded, broken, and divided world.”1 We have expressed again and again our great desire “to return to the sources in order to help us discern creative and meaningful expressions of the Assumption Way for today.”


Two and a half days, from Monday 10-Wednesday to Wednesday 12 February, were dedicated to the presentation of the program plans of the commissions: Formation, Assumption Together, JIPC-S, Communication; the two Secretariats: Youth and Vocation/AMA, Education, and Congregational Services: General Secretariat, Archives, General Bursar and the BGSD.

We were able to contemplate the mission and animation involving many sisters and lay people. It is a movement from the center to the provinces and their realities and from the provinces to the center, with an emphasis on interconnectedness and communion among all these mission fields.

On Thursday, we had a very intense and enlightening day of formation, animated by Father Antonio Pernia, a Filipino priest, member of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) and former Superior General of his congregation. He is currently the Dean of Studies at the Divine Word Institute for Mission Studies (DWIMS) in Tagaytay City.

The theme addressed was INTERCULTURALITY: Mission in the Age of Multiculturalism, Building Intercultural Communities and Interculturality and Leadership in Consecrated Life.

On Friday, after these long days of listening, we resumed in groups and then in assembly the topics that need to be deepened together.

In the evening, Mgr Pascal Delannoy, Bishop of Saint Denis came to celebrate the Eucharist and share a fraternal time after dinner around interculturality, a living reality of his Diocese.

On Saturday Sr Rekha spoke to us about the johannic vision of Leadership, synodality and collegiality.


On Wednesday afternoon, February 5th, Sr Jeanne and Sr Hélène presented the journey of the two provinces, France Notre Dame and France, which led to the request by the two councils to unite the two provinces. This unification was unanimously ratified by the CGP. We celebrated this event over apple pie and Breton cider, while waiting to meet again in greater numbers at the closing celebration on 20 February.

Thursday 6 February was dedicated to the theme of Consecrated Life as a Gift and a Challenge for our Time. Sr Inigo Joachim, an Indian Sister, from the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne (SSA) led us through the Bible to hear what the Spirit is telling us about Religious Life today.

After serving as Superior General of her Congregation, Sr. Inigo is now working in Delhi prison. It is the daily contact with the poor that gives depth to the Word of God, a living Word that transforms, simplifies, makes us like Jesus.

In a world that is changing so rapidly, the challenges of Religious Life are new and we need to ask new questions, explore new possibilities and respond to new problems. So the relevant question is: What form of Religious Life does our society need today?

Through a series of challenging questions, we were led back to our first call, that of Marie-Eugénie and ours. Through the parable of the fig tree planted in the midst of the vine (Luke 13:6-9 and parallels), like religious life planted in the midst of the world, we felt called to care for the soil, to put manure in it and to dig to give fruit in all seasons.

These days of active listening were followed by three days of immersion where the sisters were sent out two by two, sometimes three at a time, to a community of elderly sisters (Arras-Abbeville; Rue des Plantes and Etampes; Montpellier; Issoudun) or to a community inserted into a multicultural reality (Bondy, Orléans in France and Etterbeck in Belgium). It is the Assumption "setting out" close to fragile realities, where they can "detect the little sparks of God's presence" (DC p.10) and be enriched by the encounter with the other.

On Sunday evening, we had the joy of meeting again in Auteuil to celebrate LIFE during Sunday Vespers around Illuminata who today celebrates her Silver Jubilee and Odessa her birthday!

The next three days are dedicated to the presentation of the Commissions, Secretariats and Congregational Services.


From the 1st to the 4th of February we had the presentation of the reports of the provinces which allowed us to look further afield, to tune up our ears to listen and to be aware of the journey that the Congregation has made in these 18 months after the General Chapter. We began to sense some calls to continue the journey…On the evening of the 5th Feb, we had the celebration of the Eucharist by the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr Michel Aupetit. Then, in a simple and fraternal atmosphere, we shared dinner and a cordial exchange. He left us the taste of a shepherd bishop with the "smell of sheep", a meeting that connected us with the feeling of the local Church.


The CGP began with a celebration where each provincial shared the symbol that represents the today of her province, and which was placed in the work room. After the reading of the Gospel of today’s liturgy, Mark 4, 35-41, in which Jesus invites us to "cross over to the other side" and not to be afraid because He is with us in the boat, the Lord’s Prayer was recited, each in her own language. It was concluded with a beautiful prayer entrusting the work of this General Plenary Council.In this atmosphere of prayer, Rekha read the opening text with which this CGP was officially launched, and which will undoubtedly mark the lines of reflection. The afternoon began with the presentation of the report of the General Community, and the presentation of the reports of the two provinces of Asia : India and Asia Pacific, the latter formed with the recent incorporation of Japan into the province formed by the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.In the coming days the reports of the different provinces by continent will continue to be presented.We invite you to read the opening text of Rekha, as well as to watch the videos of the moments of celebration..


From February 1 to 20, the Plenary General Council will be held in Paris and will bring together Provincials/Regional from all over the world. Together with the Superior General and her Council, they will evaluate the implementation of the decisions of the last General Chapter held in Lourdes in 2018. It will be an intense moment of communion in which they will share the life of the Provinces, and of the countries in which they are inserted, in a spirit of prayer and discernment. We invite you to accompany them in prayer and in the sharing of the news that we will publish on the different channels of the congregation.
The Plenary General Council aims at strengthening the bonds which unite hearts and minds within the Congregation. In a spirit of discernment it reviews the implementation of the decisions of the General Chapter. It draws the attention of the different provinces to the general good of the Congregation and of its mission, seen in the light of major world problems. Thus it assures the missionary vitality of the Congregation. It is also a place of formation. The Plenary General Council is composed of the Superior General and her Council and of the Provincial Superiors. It is convoked and presided over by the Superior General. It is held two or three times between two General Chapters. Rule of Life 101.


El Consejo General Plenario tiene como misión estrechar la unión de corazón y de espíritu en la Congregación. Evalúa, en el discernimiento, la aplicación de las decisiones del Capítulo general. En él las diferentes provincias se abren al bien general de la Congregación y de la misión, en función de los grandes problemas del mundo. Asegura así el dinamismo misionero de la Congregación. Es también un lugar de formación.Se compone de la Superiora general y su Consejo, y de las Superioras provinciales. Lo convoca y preside la Superiora general. Se reúne dos o tres veces entre dos Capítulos generales. RV 101