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Logo General Chapter 2024

L eventMonday, 10 March 2025

Moved by the SPIRIT, in dialogue with our Realities, we discern new Synodal Pathways for our times


« My gaze is fixed on Jesus Christ and the extension of His Kingdom» MME

A logo should express what it means by itself, so we invite you to "read" it together with the theme that our provincial sisters gave us at the CGP of Pune 2023 and then read the explanation.

We share with you what we wanted it to mean:

The central image is our Cross, where we wish to have our gaze always fixed.

Jesus Christ gives us his Spirit, the same fire that animated his life and inspired the charism of the Assumption, represented by the flame which surrounds the Cross, and from which emerge the persons who represent the sisters and laity who form the Assumption.

The Spirit is present and active in these months of preparation for Chapter 2024, inspiring the discernments of the Chapter community, which, in dialogue with the reality of the Congregation and of our world, will begin the search for new paths of synodality for our time, which we will continue in each province/region after the Chapter.

The richness of our Assumption in diversity of people and cultures is represented by the colours of the characters. But if you look closely, the main colour changes in the inner part shown on the hands, representing METANOIA.

One hand is raised outwards, it represents the MISSION.

The other hand surrounds the figure next to it, it represents the CULTURE OF CARE.

Our foundress, Saint Marie Eugenie of Jesus, is present in the phrase chosen to accompany the motto, written in French in her own handwriting: "My gaze is fixed on Jesus Christ and the extension of his Kingdom".

Sr Silvia (México), Sr Anne-Flore (France) y Mercedes (España)