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AA - News of the Assumption - JANUARY 2021

A eventFriday, 31 January 2025


Christmas 2020

Giving thanks for the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the Augustinians of the Assumption

The Savior is born, a son is given to us! The song of angels and the clamor of shepherds overwhelm us with the simple joy of those who love with a child’s heart. With this celebration of the Nativity of 2020, we close the jubilee of the 175th  Anniversary of the founding of the Augustinians of the Assumption. An anniversary marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also by the signs of God’s tenderness through the concrete solidarities we have been able to build.

Emmanuel d’Alzon was the descendant of an aristocratic family. The family was small. But by choosing religious life, he showed his desire to be surrounded by a multitude of brothers and sisters in Christ. Today we are the members of this family where we are all brothers. Pope Francis reminds us in Fratelli tutti “that a person and a people are fruitful only if they know how to open themselves creatively to others. “(#41) Emmanuel d’Alzon was a man who knew how to open himself to others. He didn’t stay in his castle, he knew how to leave his land, he took the road to the Kingdom of God and tried the adventure of following Jesus Christ. Today, will we be as bold as he was?

Brothers and sisters, the Nativity gives us to contemplate a mystery of humility, the humble beginning of the manger in Bethlehem. We too are called to the grace of beginnings. A jubilee is not meant to contemplate the past; it is there to open the future for us. May the spirit of Christmas invade your hearts, may God’s blessing be upon you all. Merry Christmas!

Fr. Benoît GrièreSuperior General of the Augustinians of the Assumption