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Province of Spain: The Assumption Family Project

P eventSunday, 09 March 2025

Rereading the 2018 General Chapter documents, it is striking to see how young people and families form part of the same heading and the General Chapter tells us that "the precarious situation of so many young people and families touch us deeply. Our mission of education makes us recognize the pressing need to continue to accompany families and to go towards young people living in vulnerable situations".

The Provincial Chapter of Spain, accepting gladly these words, decided "to promote a new pastoral care program for young people and families" and made the commitment to create the Assumption Family movement, gathering families together, based on their needs and sharing their experiences, so that life may continue to flow. And so it was that the Assumption Family Project began to become a reality, with the desire that it be a source of life and inspiration in all the educational and pastoral missions of the Assumption in Spain.

The importance that Pope Francis gives to the family as a privileged space for the integral, human and Christian formation of the person, the call of the International Education Meeting in Manila expressing the determination to attend to families from the different communities and presences of the Assumption, were another source of inspiration and an invitation to go a little further, grateful for all the good experiences, aiming at a more radical and thorough formation of the person.

The Assumption Family Project which we are implementing in all the realities of the Province, is fundamentally a project of formation and accompaniment which includes all our works and which wishes to create an atmosphere of interaction and participation in the homes, between all the members of the family and between them and the school or any of our apostolates.

It is an inclusive project, where parents, children, grandparents, educators and all those involved in the task of education have a fundamental role, aware that the family is the most natural and ecological educational institution, the one that offers the most favorable and friendly context.

This Project has two main sections:

-The project of formation and accompaniment; its educational philosophy.

  • The radical importance of developing as a person
  • Being and feeling part of a family
  • Knowing each other and "educating" each other
  • A shared educational code
  • What type of person?

-The Formation Plan

  • Basic aspects
  • Being parents
  • Skills in educating
  • Specific tools for parents
  • Families, the school and the different apostolates
  • Health of body and mind
  • Towards an integral ecology


Finally, the Assumption Family Project has a chapter dedicated to an aspect that we feel is very important: "The ways of organizing and giving life to this project in each reality", aware that it has to be adapted to each of our apostolates and that it is a document that will be enriched by the proposals and contributions of the different realities.

The Assumption Family Project must generate, wherever it is implemented, a willingness to go out to meet others, an attitude of listening, of sharing, of empathizing with the families, in the conviction that we share, from the aspect of complementarity, the same educational task.