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East African Province: Fertile soil for the seed.

E eventMonday, 22 July 2024

The joy of having thirteen priests at ago!!!!

We were among the witnesses of the ordination of thirteen deacons into priesthood. All from the Catholic Diocese of Moshi, Diocesan and Religious. The deacons were from different Parishes and Congregations within Moshi Diocese, two from Consolata Missionaries, two from the Capuchins and nine Diocesan.

The ordination of the thirteen deacons into priesthood has a big impact in our Diocese of Moshi. It’s a moment that religious life is a witness that God still calls and needs workers in His vineyard, the offering of oneself as a gift for loving service. The Diocese had the centenary celebration in 1990 while as a Nation we celebrated 150 years of Catholic faith in 2018. Today, our world, our nation and our Diocese of Moshi is still in great need of the salvation of souls. The priests are called by God and they make their free choice to answer His call by following Jesus till death.  It’s also a good time for religious vocation promotion, a time to realize the different needs of the Church, a time for parents to support their children when they express their desire for religious life.

Our Diocese has over sixty Parishes. The priests do not only work in the parishes, they also offer pastoral services to patients in hospitals, schools and prisons as chaplains.  Others go for professional studies as teachers for the seminaries and religious institutions, law, accounting and administration. There are also priests who are aging or sick and are not fully involved in active pastoral care. The nine priest are not even enough for work in the vineyard of God in Moshi Diocese.

The Parishners were curious to know if the Bishop would sent one of the priest in their Parish. There were shouts of joy, dancing, cheers, when a Parish received the newly ordained priest. “The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few”.

 We felt renewed in our own vocation as the Religious of the Assumption. It reminded us of the day we made our vows and the zeal to extend the Kingdom of God as Religious of the Assumption and missionaries. Our prayer was that we may allow God to accomplish the good work that He has begun in us because He is faithful and never abandons us.


 By Srs.Martina Eugenie, Devota Emmanuel and Aurelia Mtui.