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International Assumption Together session

I eventTuesday, 25 February 2025

See the photos here

Day 7

Collaboration and synodality : a very  strong meaning theme for the various commitments we may have in Church and in the world. 

Where we discover how experiencing Assumption Together enlights the synodality in Church. 

And also, the work in small groups, by language, by continent, teaches us different aspects of the richness of diversity. 

Days 4-6 In the footsteps of our Saint Marie Eugenie

A path of self-denial, faith and love.

Sharing the experience of following in the footsteps of Mother Marie Eugenie, first of all, gives me great joy. Joy in feeling closer to her and especially in the joy that springs from a full and overflowing heart, because what is received from the source is immense and motivates us in our following of Christ. But I was also worried about not being able to put this experience into words, that is to say, to express, translate and bring to life the immense richness that is hidden behind the human experience of Marie Eugénie.

Indeed, all of Marie Eugenie's life is about God. Her human experience is a gateway to her spiritual experience. From the human experience: education, friendships, relationships, encounters and trials, Marie Eugenie knew how to combine inner strength, fidelity, obedience, endurance and decisive choices. From her spiritual experience and therefore from her faith, she relied on the one who seemed great, immense, but close to her despite her smallness.

Thus, in the great spaces of her daily life (the great property of Preisch, the great cathedrals and churches), Marie Eugénie allowed herself to be shaped by the immensity of God. For the greatness of God, beyond the great buildings in height, in architecture, as in sculpture, refers to the creator who has no other right than to be adored, contemplated and loved. Marie Eugenie developed a contemplative look, and a great freedom of spirit which disposed her to broad views and universality. She knew how to nourish herself with the human to reach the divine.

Also, the experience of her first communion was decisive, with the sensation of the greatness and elevation of her soul. A movement of the heart that probably later inspired adoration at the Assumption. It is a challenge to know how to contemplate seeing everything from God's side as she said.

The relationship with her mother, strong and solid, and the one with her friend Ernestine teach us to imprint a spiritual character in people through our different relationships. The discovery of this new face that is Ernestine allowed me to enter deeply into the human experience of Marie Eugenie which brought out the great traits of her character (calm, obedient, kind, good, attentive, positive, clear).

So, we are invited to see the immensity of God manifested in our small path of life. I have come to understand more clearly that Marie Eugenie's path to holiness is a path that is accessible to all. She knew abundance, as well as deprivation and in no way did she complain. On the contrary, she remained positive and open to the one who now possessed her. She believed in her mother's education and she obeyed even the smallest details. This obedience was a foundation for the sustenance of the Assumption later on.

Secondly, I remain in awe of her spirit of detachment which is an opportunity for the Assumption and for Assumption Together, called even today to experience a dispossession of self in daily life in order to share what makes up our identity.

Like Marie Eugenie, our daily experience is fraught with pitfalls, but through our faith and hope we can give the world a reason to believe that God is there, even in our small, noisy steps. For the whole experience of Marie Eugénie gives the assurance of a holiness that is accessible and possible for all, sisters and laity alike. Through her intercession, may our steps be strengthened and consolidated for an Assumption that is even stronger and richer in the experience of synodality. Let us draw closer to Marie Eugénie because the source that leads to Christ is deep and abundant.

Sr Marie Bénédicte

Day 3

Day Three ... Yes, we religious and lay people recognize that we are deeply nourished by our belonging to the Assumption. It renews in us joy, hope, love of Christ, and the impulse towards the Kingdom. The question of the day is a change of perspective: Are we sufficiently aware that the charism of the Foundation received by Marie-Eugénie is for the whole Church and for the whole world? The Church, as the people of God, needs us, the laity of AE, to feel responsible for enriching, according to our own vocations, the life-giving charism entrusted to the Congregation, following in the footsteps of Marie-Eugénie, in order to hasten the reign of God. And what do I bring to the Assumption?  The question is open. The personal response of each one requires both humility and openness to the Holy Spirit who leads the Church.  What do you bring?  

Viviane Le Polain

Day 2 - Putting communication at AT.'s service.... generating resources... generating value … this is our challenge !

We have to be creative, we have to know how to communicate, we can do this with principles, with solid virtues, educating ourselves in faith and in the love of truth. The way to the new evangelisation is beauty. Beauty is song, theatre, image, video. A challenge is to know how to communicate, to know how to listen and to know how to share what we live and who we are..

We have to create a culture of communication, we have to communicate life, who we are and what we do. We have to seek inspiration. We have to create something that speaks of life.... that speaks of hope... in difficult and not so difficult situations. We achieve this by creating networks that allow us to be informed about each other, networks that have content that make people fall in love, that strengthen bonds, that build, to strengthen the image and identity of Asunción Juntos. We have to communicate the joy of being a lay Asunción.


Day 2

Communication is what made this International Assumption Together Session happen. With the use of technology, we were contacted by e-mail and zoom.

I am sure that we felt some hope and expectation, but was there love and warmth?

For me, communication is more than technology. It is really about LOVE.  Love opens the heart of persons and warms their heart, and one is no longer isolated. Communication connects all people as a Child of God. Therefore, COMMUNICATION can make all brothers and sisters.

Secondly, communication builds bridges between people. When there is communication among peoples  the power to help each other is released, and society becomes richer.

Through communication people can resolve misunderstanding and heal wounded memories. And I believe we can establish “Peace and Harmony”. Communication can build bridges in a home and a social group, and even different religions and races.

It is possible in both the physical domain and the digital domain. As long as it is a space for authentic and genuine encounter.

The spirit of sharing in communication is necessary. The willingness to listen, understand and to accept others is important. And the openness to rethink our own way and be selfless enough to be changed is the fruit of good communication.

Finally, there is the importance of communication with God that will help us identify the truth and distinguish right from wrong. When we communicate with God we review our own thoughts and get clarified..

It is related to what Sr. Rekha said, to talk to God before we go to bed to find out what God is inviting us to and what our new name is.

So here we are, Assumption Together in Paris present to each other face to face, not by email or by zoom.

Let us make the most of this time and COMMUNICATE for a better future.



The international session of Assumption Together began today, 10 January, with the theme: "Connecting with our roots, going back to the sources".

It brings together twenty-eight sisters and lay people from the different provinces of the Congregation until January 19. This session is meant to be an opportunity to continue building Assumption Together in each of our provinces, deepening our sources and strengthening our roots.

The session began with a beautiful opening liturgy, which you can already see on YouTube, and the inaugural message of Sister Rekha, Superior General of the Religious of the Assumption. She provided many elements to reflect together on the charism of the Assumption that we share and that we are called to live by incarnating it in our different vocations and cultures.

See in this link the photos of the meeting that will be published in the future


See the photos here