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International Session of Preparation for Perpetual Vows 2022 - Week 2

I eventMonday, 10 March 2025

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In this second week of Easter, we rejoice that the Risen Jesus comes to meet us, personally, communally and in our concrete mission, giving us the hope of peace and sending us to be bearers of His Good News.

Sr. Martine Rochigneux led us to reread our history of salvation through the life of St. Augustine, reminding us that we are men and women of desire, in motion and in  search of God who gives meaning to our lives.  We are certain that he created us for him and to live in communion with others. This makes us aware of our consecration to God, to the people and to the community;  returning to the essential leads us to return to ourselves, remembering all the concrete means and people who help us on this path of abandonment, in a desire to  be all to Him.

All themes have a common thread, that of St. Augustine introduced us to the theme of the Covenant that our Sister Rekha shared with us and allowed  us to  understand Covenant as the Love of God and the conscious response we give to this Love, reminding us that we do not live this covenant alone but in community and with people. We are called to be covenant communities with ourselves and with all that surrounds us.  Sr. Rekha made us discover the specificity of the Covenant in our way of being Religious of the Assumption today.

Then, we addressed the   theme of the Spirituality of the Psalms with Sr. Sophie Ramond.  This session allowed us to renew our prayer life. We are aware of all the richness contained in the psalms, and how they lead us to join in the pain of the people, in a prayer of praise and supplication. We are called to live an incarnate prayer. The psalms are the mirror of what humanity is.

We thank God for the joy of walking together as an international community. We are witnesses that God never ceases to renew our covenant and the desire to give ourselves to Him ever more fully.


Sisters Mirna y Claudia Marilù, Province d' America Central y Cuba