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International Session of Preparation for Perpetual Vows 2022 - Week 4

I eventMonday, 10 March 2025

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Week 4 –Sunday May 1st  - Sunday May 8th, 2022

Here we are at the beginning of May, God continues to enrich us in our session through the various speakers who give themselves to share their knowledge with us. During this week which is coming to an end we have approached the following themes: the Gospel according to Saint Mark, Religious Consecration and the Prologue of the Rule of Life.  We were also blessed with the opening of a museum for our congregation, on Sunday May 8.

We continue to taste in-depth the wisdom of the wise women that God has placed on our path. The aim is to surrender ourselves entirely to him through our sisters who give themselves, body and soul, to let us know the secret of a life given to follow Jesus Christ. As with the first disciples, we feel the call to go out into the world to witness that he is present among his people. It is in this sense that by approaching the Gospel of Saint Mark, the key given by our sister Miriam Moscow helped us to meditate and benefit from the gospel by applying it to our daily life. The time spent with her helped us to be aware of our vocation, being worthy disciples who offer the best of who we are. It is in this context that Saint Mark addresses you and me the question that Jesus asks us : "What do you want me to do for you? »St Mark 10.50.

During the day of integration, we could internalize what we received each day. This day remains dear to us because it is like an oasis where we sit down to search and drink, and finally continue our journey with freshness.

            Sister Martine Tapsoba, helped us to understand the reality of Consecrated Life which is based on the three evangelical counsels. Through her intervention, we are convinced that the commitment to follow Christ begins first with a personal encounter with Him. In the end, it is the encounter with Christ and the response to his Love which alone can mobilize a whole life to make a joyful Gift to God in the service of the others. It is in this context that we ourselves have come to discover that God has called us not on our merits but by his mercy. Gratitude springs from the heart.

Our hearts are happy to discover that the Prologue to the Rule of Life contains all the richness of the Assumption. What a joy to listen to our Sister Sandra talking to us about the content of the prologue in-depth with concrete examples. It opened our eyes and we saw that the light was turned on by our first sisters who traced the path for us to follow and gave us our identity. So today we can say without hesitation that we are religious of the Assumption. As we read through the Prologue, we realized that we must be aware of our responsibility to see the Assumption as a Gift from God and to continue nurturing it.

The good keeps on coming : on Sunday, we had the blessing and inauguration of the museum of our congregation which will help us to stay at the source and to share our heritage of St. Marie Eugenie with all the generations to come.

At the end of this week, we are left with a treasure.  This treasure is to be kept and to be shared. May our Mother Saint Marie Eugenie walk with us and may the Virgin Mary intercede for us by enlightening our Yes so that it is an unconditional Yes.

Sr Rita Eugénie, Province of Rwanda Chad and Sr Lydia, Province of Madagascar