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International Session of Preparation for Perpetual Vows 2022 - Week 5

I eventMonday, 10 March 2025

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Week 5

The meaning of our consecration to God : each vow is a GIFT from God, a PROMISE. Our part is to receive and respond to it, it is the joy of witnessing to his love.

The vow of poverty with Sr. Patricia Norbertine :  Jesus from his incarnation and in all his mission here on earth is at the source of our poverty. Marie Eugenie also spoke to us about Poverty from the beginning of our Congregation. Poverty is the foundation of the spirit of faith and of simplicity. That is why Marie Eugenie was so attached to it.

The way to live the vow of poverty at the Assumption: the importance of sharing, having the joy of giving and receiving, being close to the poor.

The vow of chastety with Sr Isabelle Roux is an answer to the Covenant "I will put my law in the depths of their being; I will write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be my people." (Jer. 31,33) Chastity is staying close to this inner source. It is an art of living, a quality of love where we experience the freedom of the heart. Fraternal love in community, openness, dialogue and mutual forgiveness, acceptance of self and others, help us to live this vow faithfully.

The vow of obedience with Sr Christine Foulon : obedience is an act of faith that has its source in the obedient Jesus and matures through prayer. He teaches us to enter into the will of his Father. It is a free responsibility, but one that involves all of ourselves because it asks us to be humble, trusting and upright. Obeying our superiors, the events of life, the community, we obey God who has given them to us as intermediaries.

Sr Françoise Martin commented on the two virtues of humility and joy. Humility is a virtue that helps us to live our vows. True humility is that we agree to be before men as we are before God. Humility and joy are deeply linked, they give a particular color to our way of living the consecration to the Assumption.

On Sunday, May 15, we spent a beautiful day with the Assumption family. With the Little Sisters of the Assumption we participated in the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Dominique Lang, Augustinians of the Assumption, in the chapel of Notre Dame des Anges, rue Vaugirard. The mass was also rich in the Spirit of the family, like a domestic celebration. Then after a shared picnic, we went to the General House of the Little Sisters of the Assumption where we were able to share our experiences, visit their museum and meet their general council. We felt very close. After that, together we visited the Oblate Sisters of the Assumption in their General House at Rue Lecourbe. There we experienced a fraternal encounter. We were impressed by the communion among us. We felt like a family working to bring about the Kingdom of God. " MAY YOUR KINGDOM COME ".


Sr Jeanne Odile, de la province de Madagascar …