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A look at... the province of Central America-Cuba

A eventMonday, 10 March 2025

Life goes on, and we are grateful for the postulants who have entered our province. See the photos.

Our Province is made up of 4 countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Cuba.  All have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic in the areas of labour, economics, political, and spiritual/personal.

In each country different decisions have been taken to have the least number of people infected, highlighting the leadership of politicians, actions of the people towards those most in need.  In Cuba, for example, the immeasurable help of their doctors towards other countries, stands out.

But life has changed, the daily life, the way we used to live together.  we are in a social pause offering a breathing spell to our land.  We are living a moment of personal transformation where, to quote St. Marie Eugenie, "He invites us to allow Him to work... to free, to heal and to build up”.  To be more just, more aware of my surroundings, to serve without measure.

Faced with this global panorama, the Sisters have looked for different means and resources so as not to stop accompanying the ASSUMPTION community composed mainly of groups of lay people in the school, pastoral programs and communitarian areas.

Technology has been a key tool to be able to have Provincial and Community meetings.  As Pope Francis says "Thanks also to the (social) networks, the Christian message can travel 'to the ends of the earth'.  Opening the doors of the churches means opening them also in the digital world.”

This is how we have tried to reach out through images, videos, messages, video conferences, calls, with the aim of continuing to work for the Kingdom through the educational project combined with the Christianization of the intelligence and a dynamic faith.

In spite of the uncertainty we are living, Holy Week comes to fill our hearts with hope and faith, to feel more united in each home, with greater solidarity and attention for the other, unity in the families, greater awareness of the value of life, search in faith for harmony with God.  To realize that it is as a team that we move forward, send positive messages, are bearers of good news, make discoveries in our communities.

We perceive the affection and closeness of those who share the mission with us and at the same time, a rebirth in the desire for a different life committed to all, especially towards those who do not have an easy life.

The present reality is making us more human, more fraternal and more children of a Father who loves us dearly…