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Praying as an educational community in the Covid 19 period.

P eventTuesday, 21 January 2025

During this global pandemic, which has transformed our whole way of life, and while many of us live with various anxieties and misfortunes, in uncertainty and fear, the Pastoral Department of Colegio Asunción-Vallecas has felt the need and importance of staying united as an educational community, in order to share our experiences of listening and praying in the light of the Gospel. 

We are convinced that feeling ourselves to be an Assumption family by placing our trust in God, allows us to lessen these anxieties more easily, to seek common paths that improve our lives and help us to be closer to one another. 

To succeed, we have set up online prayers, in which, as an educating community, we place ourselves in God's hands and read life in an evangelical key beyond the physical distance that separates us. 

Before Easter, all began with the preparation of some resources for a previous work at home, based on the experience and life of each one and as a domestic church. At the end of this personal or family reflection from personal life, return to the group so that we can share and pray together. 

Our first common prayer took place on Easter Monday. There we were able to have a guided inner silence together, to enter into this space of serenity where we could listen to what God wanted to say to each one of us, to continue an open-hearted sharing, making us feel like a family. Within this space, God, as always, made Himself present in the midst of us all, fulfilling us with His peace and comfort. 

From this first experience, we prayed together again on Sunday, May 10 th. On that occasion, there were more of us and our prayer was centred on the memory of the deceased. This prayer was for them but also for those who have lost their loved ones, for those who are suffering the consequences of the crisis and for those who are in difficult life situations. We need to feel God's embrace and warmth in prayer and through our brothers and sisters. 

Physical confinement will not be an obstacle to pursue the building of a community of believers and a new world that is more fraternal, more just and more human: "The world... the covid... is not big enough for our love.

Furthermore, we have many lessons to learn from this period in which we have come out of our frenetic and unsustainable rhythm of life and have understood that another way of living and relating to God is possible and necessary if we want to make this Earth a place of glory for our God.