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Province of Europe: WYD Festival in Belgium

P eventSunday, 09 March 2025

“WYD [World Youth Day] is a process of brotherhood that we should continue once we return to Belgium.”

And there you have it, on October 21-22, 1,400 young people converged from the four corners of French-speaking Belgium to Maredsous Abbey. For many, it was an opportunity to meet again, three months after having established ties in Portugal.

For those who were unable to go to Lisbon, the WYD Belgium Festival had the merit of giving them a taste of the JMJ atmosphere for a weekend. Eucharistic celebration, Stand-Up with activities prepared by different religious communities, Round Table, testimonies, prayer - adoration for 24 hours, path of reconciliation, listening point, CathoBel Cup (interdiocesan football tournament), time for reflection on the future of the Church: Todos todos todos, concerts... During the kick-off, the Abbot of Maredsous declared: “I would like all the saints that you see on the stained glass windows of the abbey, make them dance! » So many activities available to festival-goers to respond to their quest for meaning and immerse them in the spirit of WYD!

Around twenty young people from our Assumption group were present. Here are some comments from the young people:

Going to Maredsous was obvious. And although the intensity of this moment was not the same as in Lisbon, I was happy to dedicate this weekend to my spiritual home.

The atmosphere there was very peaceful, with a touch of... mysticism.

I never cease to be amazed by all these human-scale projects, each time with the Love of God at their center. From musical groups to associations, including retreats, games, collections...

But what transports me more are the encounters. Like a child, I never tire of discovering other Christians. At each of these encounters, my heart invites me to share more. Each testimony nourishes me.


The festival in Maredsous was a weekend of renewal for me and allowed me to remember the graces received and experienced during WYD. It allowed me to live from my faith and nourish it more through prayer, praise, adoration, testimonies, concerts and meetings with others. It also reminded me of this providential richness, sometimes forgotten: all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, being and living it.

Fabienne Oguz

A third testimony on the video (in french).


Collection made by sr. Alma