The Province of Madagascar opened a new Community in Mangataboahangy in September 2023....
See the photos here See the three year plan of the Peace Camp “SVA’s Village of Care is a Village...
Guoda Kliučinskaitė Every time I meet Sister Jolanta Laučiūtė, an Assumptionist, I experience...
Dear brothers and sisters! When our God reveals himself, his message is always one of freedom: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” ( Ex 20:2). These are the first words of the Decalogue...
Justice, Peace and Integral Care of creation and Solidarity commission plays a crucial role in promoting peace and justice in our community and globally. Last year 2023, in response to Pope Francis’s call to care for the environment, as members of...
By Sr. Jaya With a heart full of gratitude I stand before the Lord as I celebrate my 75th birthday in my golden jubilee year of my 1st profession. When I look back into the past years of my life I am extremely happy and delighted the way God has...
The day of Saturday January 6, 2024 was marked by the celebration of three events in the parish of Saint Barnabé de Kouogouo I in Bafoussam in Cameroon: the Silver Jubilee of SISTER Bibiane M. Kelly LONGA of the Sacred Heart; the Perpetual VOWS of...