
eventThursday, 30 March 2023

25 years of religious life: Come and see!

COME AND SEE! 25 years of God's fidelity in my life as a Religious of the Assumption. 25 years of God's fidelity in my life as a Religious of the Assumption. It is a great joy to be able to share, to remember and to thank all the people who have...

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eventTuesday, 28 March 2023

Province of Madagascar: The celebration of the 10th March 2023 in the community Victoire Rasoamanarivo Tsiazotafo Tananarive

On the day of the 10th of March, we had Mass presided over by Father Denis A.A in the community. On Sunday, March 12, we celebrated this feast in the courtyard of the community, with all the Assumption Family present in Antananarivo, namely: The...

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eventTuesday, 28 March 2023

Two musicals at the Assumption College - Bondy

This year two classes of 3e participate in a musical comedy project organized by their teachers of PE, music education, French and English. As part of this EPI (Interdisciplinary Practical Teaching), the two classes build two projects that they...

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eventMonday, 20 March 2023

Province of Rwanda Tchad: Kabuga Community

ASSUMPTION NEW WAY OF PRESENCE: HOSPITALITY AND EDUCATION Inspired Hospitality In the Old Testament hospitality became source of blessings for Abraham (Gn18,1-15). (Leviticus 19,33) urges the people of God to not mistreat foreigners who resides...

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