
eventThursday, 01 September 2022

Assumption UK - JPIC Newsletter AUGUST 2022

Assumption UK - JPIC Newsletter AUGUST 2022 This issue of JPIC news, summer 2022 tries to look beyond the denial industry of climate disinformation to what is already happening. This summer we have seen Europe on fire, glacier melts, record...

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eventThursday, 01 September 2022

The Marie Eugenie Community Pantry – A Community Response to the Pandemic

See pictures During the pandemic, in a poor and highly populated area in Malibay, Pasay City, “We saw the reality of our neighborhood here in Malibay, more than the social distancing and the protocols, the priority was to put food on the table for...

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eventMonday, 29 August 2022

This summer, in Lourdes...

See the photos Pilgrims, sick people or hospital workers: more than 4000 people came to Lourdes from August 11 – 16, 2022 for the 149th National Pilgrimage organized by the Assumption family. These days of prayer, meetings, and multiple activities...

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eventSaturday, 27 August 2022

Magne Pater Augustinus

Magne Pater Augustinus. Augustine is so great, has had such profound influence on the Catholic Church and the spirituality of the Latin Church that we are perhaps unaware of how much we owe him. It is our heritage and it is good to be able to go...

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