
eventThursday, 30 December 2021

The Assumption Family Project of the Province of Spain

Rereading the 2018 General Chapter documents, it is striking to see how young people and families form part of the same heading and the General Chapter tells us that "the precarious situation of so many young people and families touch us deeply....

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eventTuesday, 28 December 2021

Christmas message from Pope Francis

Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Christmas! The Word of God, who created the world and who gives meaning to history and to humanity’s journey, became flesh and came to dwell among us. He came like a whisper, like the murmur of a gentle breeze, to...

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eventMonday, 27 December 2021

Editorial #Assumpta n º6

Christmas, a longing for good news! "Do not be afraid, for I bring you great joy." (Lk 2:10). The times in which we live are very complex; fear and fragility seem to have driven out courage and enthusiasm for life. This pandemic has made it...

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eventThursday, 23 December 2021
General Community

Emmanuel, the Guiding Light of Love- Chapter – Christmas 2021

Pdf: FR - ENG - ESP Very dear Sisters and Friends, We have faced many new challenges since the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. Despite our efforts over the past two years to eradicate the coronavirus, we still grope in the darkness with the...

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