When the Covid19 pandemic hit in mid-March, survival of schools became a key issue in the ASIA PACIFIC PROVINCE. With the economic impact of the crisis affecting most families, the threat of a significant decrease in enrollment became real as the opening of the new school year drew near. There was also the concern on migrating the school to a new learning space. To cushion the multi-faceted blow of the crisis, all schools went through a process of community dialogue and reflection: what can we do to help our schools survive and thrive? How do we support our stakeholders during this time? This led to radical choices that were unanimously decided by both sisters and lay in the different communities. They willingly gave up their benefits or allowances to help the schools manage the limited resources. Some settled for reduced salaries while a few volunteered to continue serving the school for free. Financial aid to families in need was also provided in the form of scholarships. Other stakeholders like parents, alumni, and even the local government, were engaged in redefining and restructuring certain processes. Many schools, with some help from the Province, were able to give some assistance to teachers for online teaching, like laptop loans and connectivity subsidy. Eight months into this “new normal”, we now experience deeper communion with one another and we are grateful for the gift of a stronger community that rediscovered a greater capacity to be selfless, to be generous, to be a sign of hope amidst this crisis.