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Echoes from the Province of Rwanda-Chad

E eventWednesday, 03 July 2024

Since the cessation of classes due to Covid-19, in our schools and educational centers, classes and educational activities have stopped or slowed down, and this has allowed the sisters, educators and students to invent other ways to sustain formation and communication.

This situation has created financial problems that we do not know how to manage: staff and parents of students who have lost their jobs and some of them even lack food; social problems: parents who do not know how to manage their children, students who have lost the taste and courage to study.

However, most of the teachers have been trained in the new methods, especially the use of Microsoft 365, with the possibility of holding classes and online courses for pupils who have access to the Internet. Unfortunately, many of our students do not have telephones that allow them to do this kind of activity due to lack of means.

 In Rwaza Mrs. YOGERE Denise, our entrepreneurial teacher, was selected as the best teacher at the Secondary School at sector level during the selection which took place in September 2020. She was 4th in the District thanks to her tenacity to continue the online course in the district where she lives.

At the LCNDA of Atrone in Chad, the whole month of September was devoted to developing the educational project: students’ projects and classes, training of Teachers, discernment to reorganise the school canteen in this period of pandemic, awareness raising for a better adaptation to post covid-19. The resumption of classes for the school year 2020-2021 was a joy for the entire educational community and everything is going well.

At CENETRA, at the Rwankuba health centre, as in the other centres and schools, there has been work to raise awareness of the COVID 19 situation. There is teamwork and openness to others for sharing and personal care.

This time of confinement allowed the sisters to form themselves and to be formed in a different way: in Rwaza three sisters were trained to play the piano - currently two of them are accompanying the singing at the daily Mass in our chapel. The community had a virtual meeting with Sister Césarie Marie on the Manila Congress. In the other schools the sisters began to work in the garden, in the kitchen, to pray more and to meet for a longer period for deeper communion.

The Education Commission was able to meet to begin to develop the Province's educational project and will continue to work in a virtual network for greater collaboration and communion. They had the joy of meeting the Superior General on Skype.

May we resume school activities and keep up these good habits.

Sr Marthe Ntuyumve 

Referent Sister for Transformative Education