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Different echoes from our Provinces - Covid 19

D eventMonday, 10 March 2025


The Covid 19 pandemic was one of the greatest scourges our world has ever known, with disastrous consequences in all sectors of life and activity, especially in the school environment. Our school, the Collège Notre Dame de l'Assomption (CNDA) of Daloa in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, like other schools and at the request of our Ministry of supervision, saw its doors closed for a period of two months, which resulted in the non-completion of the programmes.


As everywhere, the confinement surprised us, and we had to put in place, as a matter of urgency, an organized way to continue our classes while we and our students were confined. What did we do at Assumption College Orléans, for the French class that was innovative? What did we learn from this experience?

We already had a very efficient digital work environment. For years, we have been using the Google suite, which includes, among other things, the personal email address of each student and staff member of the establishment, a platform for depositing courses, and another for making virtual classes. Even if we were already using these tools, the confinement has forced us to explore their full potential. This "forced" training is still beneficial to us today: the link between face-to-face and distance learning has been strengthened and all communication with our students has become more fluid.

Beyond the "school" tools, and with the idea of keeping this link with our students, the college's letter team had the idea of a short video for the students. On the eve of the holidays, we parodied a fable by La Fontaine. Each excerpt was filmed and then edited with a ball of paper as a thread that we pretended to throw ourselves. A fun way to wish our students a good vacation from their French teachers.

The Assumption Orléans Letters team


Others Experiences sharing from India

Covid-19 pandemics brought us close to God, one another and the nature. Though it was and is a frustrating experience, we have faced it creatively.On 17/18th March 2020 schools were closed down in all over India according to the government order in the wake of spread of the Corona virus. Therefore, the academic year 2019-20 came to the end abruptly.

Assumption school in Pandripani

Assumption School Pandripani completed five academic years in March 2020.Our senior students are in Class 6. The Summer Vacation already passed during the complete lock down period. With lot of enthusiasm and passion, we started our classes for seniors in the month of June, keeping social distancing and other Covid Protocols.Online classes resumed for the Junior classes. We managed to connect 60% to 70%students through Smart phones.

Neighbourhood children, who had no access to online classes, were given special classes by sisters. However, we had to stop it at different times due lockdown restrictions.

Dnyanjyoti Kanya ashram School, Tilloli is only for tribal girls

The new academic year began on 15th of June. During the month of June, we distributed textbooks to the students. Teachers started giving online classes in the month of June but it was not really very effective due to lack of smart phones with the parents and the poor network connection in the interior villages. So, teachers and sisters started visiting students house twice in a week. Villages are 100 to 400 kilometers far away from our school. Parents and students are very co-operative. Now the government of Maharashtra printed a Kriti pustika (Exercise book) for the students from class 2 to 10 to do exercises from the textbooks during the lock down. By the grace of God, Covid-19 pandemic is not yet reached Tilloli. Sisters and staff try to reach out to the students and their family through village visits. So far, our sisters and the teachers visit every child’s family.

LOYOLA SCHOOL, HARNAUT is a diocesan school.

Loyola School, Harnaut, is a Private School established in 2000 by the Catholic Church, Harnaut. The following steps are taken to reach out to the students.Students are encouraged to attend the online classes regularly through the personal phone calls, classroom teaching, Principal’s notices and interactions with the students through the zoom app classes from time to time.

Principal prepared the students to put up onlin cultural programmes for the teacher’s day.

Sr. Susan Varghese R.A



New course, the illusion of always combined with concern, worry. We are aware of the need for students and families to feel close to us; our aim is to make this situation as normal as possible.We install cameras in the classrooms, we are trained in the Teams application, and we are more innovative in a short time so that from home or from the classroom, everyone can continue training. We maintain a safety protocol: masks, disinfection of spaces, hands... We all get involved to solve the problems that arise. It seems that we are based on material things but our real objective is that our children and adolescents recover their lives, their families are calm; we accompany them so that they do not feel alone after a long time at home without the complicit glances of their classmates and teachers. Together we are all responsible for each other and ourselves, CARING FOR ME, CARING FOR THE OTHER. Together WE MAKE IT POSSIBLE.ASSUMPTION CUESTABLANCA- SPAIN