
eventThursday, 18 February 2021

Trésors d'Archives nº9 - Time of testing… time of renewal…

To see all the photos, click here To read or download the document, clic here TIME OF TESTING… TIME OF RENEWAL… Marie Eugénie in the turmoil of the events of 1870 TRESOR D'ARCHIVES n°9 Marie Eugénie’s era was politically complex. Different regimes...

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eventSunday, 14 February 2021

Meditation on st. Luke’s gospel, chapter 24, 13-35

Meditation on st. Luke’s gospel, chapter 24, 13-35 In the context of the covid-19 pandemic This overwhelming Covid-19 pandemic seems to signal the end of our contemporary age, as it affects globally our social, economic, political, cultural and...

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eventSaturday, 13 February 2021

« Day to Return to our Sources »

Twice a year, from the Congregation's archives, we propose a « Day to Return to our Souces » by language groups and open to everybody. The first one will prepare us for March 10th. The theme will be : « Marie Eugénie and the foundation of Auteuil»:...

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eventThursday, 11 February 2021

Education Lithuania

Children's prayers: "Dear God, I want to ask you that mummy doesn't get Covid-19." (Eve, whose mother is a doctor) "Please help all those affected by the pandemic. Protect my family "(Amélie) "Please help people to overcome the virus" (Thomas)...

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