View the pictures KENYA Suddenly the house became truly a ‘domestic church’ with daily online...
« The Lord, who is the first to care for us, teaches us to care for our brothers and sisters and...
See video: The great Teacher CORONA!!! The year 2020 is gripped by...
Coronavirus pandemic has changed everything in our lifestyle! We are confined! The first case of this pandemic in Cameroon, as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was detected around March 15, 2020. Five days later, all schools were closed,...
See the pictures Community of Notsé- TOGO The Holy Week Triduum and Easter were lived in the parish with a small number of faithful. We were united with them. Of course, the Tenebrae Offices were well lived in community. We remain in communion of...
See the pictures In Europe the situation is unprecedented. The life of every Community in our four countries has been touched and changed. During this period the Sisters took time to share some news, thoughts and prayers. In reading them, it was...
France and the health crisis April 2020 President Macron, in a televised speech on March 13 announcing the confinement, had strong words about the necessary transformations in our economic models and lifestyles: he spoke of necessary 'ruptures'. He...