
eventMonday, 27 April 2020
Covid19 EN

TheReligious of the Assumption and relief work for Covid19

Province : India - Original: English See the picture The outbreak of Corona virus made India to show extraordinary solidarity, forbearance and patience. The 1.3 billion Indians have joined hands against the pandemic. This is unprecedented in world...

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eventMonday, 27 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the province of Ecuador

"We realized that we were in the same boat, all fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and necessary, all called to row together, all in need of mutual comfort. All of us are In this boat, (...) We are not self-sufficient. Alone,...

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eventSaturday, 25 April 2020

The church of Guatemala commemorates the 22 anniversary of the martyred of Monseñor Juan José Gerardi Conedera - April 26th

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eventSaturday, 25 April 2020

Memory of our sisters killed in Rwanda on April 26, 1994

Today, April 26, we remember our sisters were killed during the genocide in 1994. We join the province and all the people of Rwanda and pray for reconciliation and peace. Get to know the places Download the text for prayer

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