
eventMonday, 24 August 2020
Become a Sister

Life from within has another outlook and a different taste

See video Original: Spanish Vicky Kamene. Comunidad de Vallecas A Meeting of Sisters under 65 years of age from the Province of Spain. We are perhaps asking ourselves: Can life be lived by sharing it in a simple way as proposed by our charism? Is...

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eventFriday, 21 August 2020

The experience of the Assumption in Guayaquil caring for the common home from JPICS

By: Melina Costantino (Original in Spanish) In the Assumption we have always had ingrained in our essence the defence of life in all its manifestations, so much so that I keep in my memories as a student during my time in the classrooms of the...

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eventSaturday, 15 August 2020

Archdiocese of Bombay - Mary's Assumption | Sister Rekha Chennattu, RA

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eventThursday, 13 August 2020
General Community

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5)

Very dear Sisters and Friends, I wish you all a grace-filled feast of Mary’s Assumption! I hope this message finds you all in good health and I pray for the same. As some sisters asked me, I am happy to share some reflections on Mary’s Assumption...

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