
eventMonday, 05 October 2020

Love, and say it through your life

The Assumption has a missionary countenance. From the first years of its foundation, St. Marie-Eugenie and the first Community had a special attraction and a great zeal for the extension of the Kingdom and for crossing borders. For our Foundress...

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eventSunday, 04 October 2020


ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON THE FRATERNITY AND SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP 1. “FRATELLI TUTTI”. [1] With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of...

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eventSunday, 04 October 2020


APOSTOLIC LETTER - SCRIPTURAE SACRAE AFFECTUS - OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON THE SIXTEEN HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF SAINT JEROME Devotion to sacred Scripture, a “living and tender love” for the written word of God: this is the legacy...

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eventSaturday, 03 October 2020
Become a Sister Covid19 EN

Covid-19 Pandemic and lock down

Original: English We are very happy to share with you some of our experiences. Today the life of whole humanity has greatly changed and challenged. Before the corona virus we were going out for our needs without any difficulties. But now everybody...

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