
eventMonday, 16 November 2020

25 years at the service of Solidarity

New structures to promote Solidarity. “Assumption Solidarity” and the General Bureau of Solidarity for Development (BGSD) are two structures created by the 1994 General Chapter. The Chapter Delegates had voted at that time to create two Funds: the...

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eventThursday, 12 November 2020
Assumption Together

God will always triumph…

Maria Lourdes “Baby” Goyena Herrera, “Baby” as we all fondly called her was a woman of faith and action, who lived an extraordinary life by giving of herself to others in love and devotion. This was Baby’s life choice, that gained for her the trust...

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eventWednesday, 11 November 2020


[ AR - DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - PL - PT - ZH_CN - ZH_TW ] MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOURTH WORLD DAY OF THE POOR - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - 15 November 2020 “Stretch forth your hand to the poor” (Sir 7:32) “Stretch forth your hand...

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eventTuesday, 10 November 2020

The West African Province's Experience of Commitment to Talitha Kum association

See the photos The West African Province's Experience of Commitment to Talitha Kum association Talitha Kum emerged in 2009 from the shared desire of consecrated women to coordinate and strengthen anti-trafficking activities in the five continents....

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