[ FR - EN - ES - IT - PT ] Chapter – 10 March 2021 - Suffering and God’s Glory Rekha M. Chennattu,...
Now as 2019 comes to its end, a pandemic has spread from China to Central Africa. Nothing seems to...
Grade Six Students of Assumption Kokusai Primary School learn how to live from the lives of famous...
Feb 25, 2021 - source: https://www.ncronline.org/news/opinion/restoring-asylum-border-holy-invitation?fbclid=IwAR1w8eHkNxha89p5z_ifkW2_sqOadmztnexk8YDl5PO1LyJ_LY5XuF5wCF4 by Bishop Mark J. Seitz , Dylan Corbett In the coming days and weeks, border...
Project "Intersecting Perspectives on Migration". For all 4th year classes (13-14 yrs. old) The project "Intersecting perspectives on migration" is aimed at the four classes of 4th grade, with common stages (cinema) and others to be personalised...
On December 6, the pupils of the Collège Sainte Marie Eugénie in Ouagadougou took part in an ecological trip to Yelemani in the village of Lombila, 10 km from the city of Ouagadougou. Three teachers, the Sister Director Sr Marie Claire, Mr Soulama...
"The world will never die for lack of wonders but only for lack of wonder". Chesterton In June 2015, in his encyclical Laudato Si, the Pope calls us to live a true ecological conversion. It was at that very moment that the Lord captured us to...