
eventMonday, 19 October 2020

Echo from the archives n°4

To see all the pictures, click here With the COVID-19 pandemic, the last few months have seen the cessation of certain activities around the world, a reorganisation of time and a return to the essential. The work of the Archives was no exception,...

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eventThursday, 15 October 2020

Evangelizing on the net

Everything about us communicates. Not only the way we speak or express ourselves, but also our way of dressing, our gestures, our way of reacting to every situation. We can use these signs to tell in a non-verbal way how we feel, to transmit an...

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eventMonday, 12 October 2020

Remember Laudato Si

In May this year the ground breaking encyclical of Pope Francis, `Laudato Si… on care for our common home’ will be five years old. This courageous and beautiful document, the fruit of much consultation, spoke a true and prophetic word to us all, to...

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eventFriday, 09 October 2020

October 11, 2020/28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

ISAIAH 25: 6-10A; PSALM 23: 1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6; PHILIPPIANS 4: 12-14, 19-20; MATTHEW 22: 1-14 OR 22: 1-10 The Hope That Belongs To Our CallI have to confess that I rarely pay much attention to the Alleluia verse at Mass. I’ve got lots of excuses...

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