
eventSunday, 30 August 2020
Covid19 EN

The Corona virus and 7 Invitations for a Better World

Sister Rekha Chennattu , RA – Superior General, Religious of the Assumption, France On the web "Light of truth":...

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eventSaturday, 29 August 2020

At service of life

AGONIZING TO HUMAN HEART – CHILD TRAFICKING AND REHABILITATION OF A TRIBAL GIRL Original: English The life of tribals is a constant struggle for survival, justice, equity and freedom. In the process of trying to survive with the minimum, or with...

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eventSaturday, 29 August 2020

Season of Creation 2020 - 1. Heal the Earth – don’t laminate it with plastic!!   

Original: English In recent times there has been ever growing awareness of the need to take care of the environment and to protect the earth as a biosphere - the only home that we know of - so that life may flourish and the beauty and diversity of...

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eventWednesday, 26 August 2020

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 30, 2020

Jeremiah 20: 7-9; Psalm 63: 2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9; Romans 12: 1-2; Matthew 16: 21-27 The Crack When I was quite young, someone I loved very much got sick with a disease that attacked all of her. In the space of six or seven years, she went from a...

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