
eventSunday, 24 May 2020
Covid19 EN

Sharing our view from the Province of Spain

From the Community of Olivos: A shared liturgy on the WEB OPEN TO OUR WORLD. The liturgy at the Assumption centres our life in Christ. This is the message that we wanted to share with all the sisters and those who are isolated in their homes, in...

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eventSunday, 24 May 2020
Covid19 EN

Praying with the Assumption of the World

The prayer of the school management teams of vallecas (madrid) and águilas (mexico) The Covid 19 pandemic has forced our management and education teams to continue to research and create resources in order to continue teaching by accompanying...

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eventSunday, 24 May 2020
Covid19 EN

Praying as an educational community in the Covid 19 period.

During this global pandemic, which has transformed our whole way of life, and while many of us live with various anxieties and misfortunes, in uncertainty and fear, the Pastoral Department of Colegio Asunción-Vallecas has felt the need and...

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eventMonday, 18 May 2020

A different kind of session...

See the photos Auteuil, 22 May 2020 - The evangelical counsels (The vows) Original: French The evangelical counsels are a path to freedom. A personal decision, a promise to dedicate oneself to God, to follow Christ by conforming oneself to Him as...

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