
eventMonday, 20 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the East Africa Province

View the pictures KENYA Suddenly the house became truly a ‘domestic church’ with daily online Eucharist, the Paschal Triduum being celebrated in the house. Creatively to keep the solemnity of each feast and yet be faithful to social distancing…to...

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eventMonday, 20 April 2020

22 April - International Mother Earth Day

« The Lord, who is the first to care for us, teaches us to care for our brothers and sisters and the environment which he daily gives us. This is the first ecology that we need…A sound and sustainable ecology, one capable of bringing about change,...

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eventTuesday, 14 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at ... the province of India

See video: The great Teacher CORONA!!! The year 2020 is gripped by the COVID19 and draining the world of its population and economy. The reason for the panic is because there is no medicine against it and no vaccine to...

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eventTuesday, 14 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the Central African Region

Coronavirus pandemic has changed everything in our lifestyle! We are confined! The first case of this pandemic in Cameroon, as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was detected around March 15, 2020. Five days later, all schools were closed,...

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