
eventSunday, 12 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the province of Rwanda

Rwanda-Chad Province "Be strong and of good courage, all you who hope in the Lord" Ps 30:25. While the Pope had just exhorted us to live Lent as a favourable time, various messages followed, announcing a catastrophe: the Corona virus that travels...

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eventSunday, 12 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the province of Spain

How are we living out our Coronavirus lockdown? Who would have thought that we would experience a Lent like this? Events have provided us with a new way of journeying towards Easter. We began the month of March with all the preparations to...

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eventSunday, 12 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the province of Madagascar

See photos Happy and joyous Easter! We give thanks to the Lord that we can celebrate the Resurrection of His Beloved Son in another way on this day. Even if we cannot go to the Church to celebrate Holy Week and the "Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus...

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eventSunday, 12 April 2020
Covid19 EN

A look at... the province of Central America-Cuba

Life goes on, and we are grateful for the postulants who have entered our province . See the photos. Our Province is made up of 4 countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Cuba. All have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic in the...

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